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Childlife Poem Mug

Childlife Poem Mug

Description: Featuring our childhood life poem - this is a must for any child of the 70's / 80's .... Reminising about simpler times... and what rocked their world at the time!  In sherbert pink only.  A matching teatowel is available. The Mugs are designed and decorated by hand in the UKTHE POEM:pogo sticks, and space hoppers, and a chopper bike,.. chasing round all afternoon doing really what you like,... wear a hood on your head, pretend that you’re batman,... sing d-na-na and play ‘it’ crying ‘catch me if you can!’,... black jacks, fruit salads and sherbert dips all in a penny mix,... space dust, refreshers, bazooka gum and rubbish magic tricks,... read patches, jackie, the beano and whizzer and chips,... desperate dan, dennis, bunty and of course smash hits,..  bagpuss, trumpton, the clangers and old Mr Ben,.. Sindy, Pippa, Barbie and not forgetting Ken,.. what childhood treasured memories all these things can b...
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 8.00
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