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The Leap Frog Baby Tad is a soft cuddly frog that helps children learn and explore the world of colours, shapes and songs. He can also help sooth baby to sleep.Sings six well-known and well-loved songs, including "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "If You're Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Hands" and "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star". While using the toy, children can develop perceptual and reasoning skills; motor skills are also enhanced as children physically push a flashing shape, song and "kiss" buttons.Colours and styles may vary.Baby Tad is an adorable, soft and cuddly frog who talks and singsTeaches baby shapes, colours and songsHe comes brightly coloured with flashing lights and a friendly voice In Nightime mode he plays up to 6 minutes of soothing classical music |